So, of course we did everything in our power to track this guy down. Hell, I am willing to bet many of you reading this right now still have one sitting in the garage as a reminder what not to do at 4 AM with a gallon of Rocky Road and a cold one in your lap. So many that Jack launched product after product in the dark hours between 1AM-4AM on a golf channel near you. What sounds like a joke now, actually sold a lot of drivers. Could it be true? I have to buy it to see.
The Hammer X driver promised to add a whopping 50 yards on all your tee shots.
His commercials which boasted “revolutionary” technology like a sword-shaped shaft, a “Zero CC” design and many others promised golfers what they all were so desperate to hear. We should add genius marketer to the list. Jack Hamm supposedly has hit a golf ball a 1/4 mile, has a club head speed of 162 mph, holds 6-World Records and is the father of the big headed driver. That’s right Jack Hamm was screaming “POWWWW!!!” all the way to the bank when he released the famous Hammer X driver. From one of the most recognized faces in the history of golf gear. It is arguably one of the most popular golf infomercials ever.